Trick to remember Oceans according to size


Trick: PAISA

  • P- Pacific Ocean ( Biggest )
  • A- Atlantic Ocean
  • I- Indian Ocean
  • S- Southern / Antarctic Ocean
  • A- Arctic Ocean ( Smallest )
 Pacific > Atlantic > Indian > Antarctic> Arctic
This is the decreasing order of the Oceans. There are mainly 5 oceans in the world. The biggest is the Pacific Ocean and the smallest is the Arctic Ocean. 

1. What is the correct sequence of oceans according to size ( from largest to smallest)? (SSC CGL 26, July 2023) ?
- Pacific > Atlantic > Indian > Antarctic

2. With which of the following oceans would you associate the 'Ring of Fire'? (SSC, 11 April 2022 )
- Pacific Ocean

3. The Indian Ocean is the ______ocean in the waorld. (SSC GD, 23 Nove 2021)
- third-largest

4. The largest ocean on Earth is the ___ (SSC MTS, 19 May 2023)
- Pacific Ocean

5. Mariana Trench is located in which ocean? (SSC CGL 7 Dec 2022)
- Pacific Ocean

6. El-Nino develops in which of these oceans? (SSC CGL 12 Dec 2022)
- Pacific Ocean


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